Cloud Computing Basic for beginners

In today’s digital era, Technology is expending like anything, earlier we had big on premise data centres ( today also have) as we don’t have any other options, its required skilled manpower, maintenance and other cost.

But now, cloud computing has become an primary tool for organization, individuals and businesses requirements. Although every day we are using Cloud services in different form and platforms, best example of using Gmail, watching movies on OTT. These all are example of cloud computing.

Despite of its daily use, many people still struggling to understand what cloud computing ?, how it works? and what its benefits?. In this blog post, we will discuss and will try to identify the answers of these questions.



What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is demanding technology which is  provides the computing resources such as servers, storage, databases, software, Infrastructure, on demand services and networking over the internet. Instead of having on-premises infrastructure to purchase and maintain physical Server or Data center , users can use these cloud services & resources on-demand based and pay only for what they use.

Key characteristics of cloud computing include:

  • On-demand self-service: It is provides a user friendly interface to select, pay and get their on-demand self services as their requirement and demand without having to go through a manual approval process. It is an hassle free and secure process.
  • Resource pooling: User can expend their business as well, like User can buy a Storage space or Hosting space on cloud and can share with other users or with their client the charge from them as per user.
  • Scalability: Its provides scalability to user’s requirement and business as Users can easily scale up or down their requirement and resource based on their usage, demand and requirement any time.
  • Elasticity: Some time Business demands are Un-predictable and might be we do not have sufficient resource to fulfill client requirement at that time. Specially when you have on-premises setup, but with cloud services it is easily achievable, it allows to  provision resources addition during times of high demand and release them when project completed or less demand. 
  • Measured services usage: When we provide any services to end user either dedicate or shared basis , then we need to charge from them based on usage, as it required a dashboard to monitor and measure. In On-Premise setup you need to purchase such tools with skilled manpower, but with cloud, it provide option to  measured your usage and billed based on consumption. 
  • Access from Anywhere, anytime: In today’s life everyone wants to work from Home or remotely and need such services which can be 24×7 accessible, manageable from anywhere over internet with Mobile, laptop or other devices.
  • Multi-tenancy: Resources are shared across multiple users or tenants.
  • Service Security and Availability: Cloud service are secured to access and having good service availability with less downtime. Also it took backup of your services to recover your data in case of system failure.

Examples Cloud service providers:  Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.


Cloud Computing Services

Cloud computing can be deployed in different Flavour:

  • Public Cloud
  • Private Cloud
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • Multi-Cloud

Cloud Model

Public cloud:

As its name is self exoplanetary “Public”, so it is cloud service where all resources like Server, Compute, Storage, Networking other platforms are available for general use for all public on shared basis over Internet. It is managed by Cloud service provider.

public clouds offer businesses an affordable and Scalable way to access computing resources and applications, while also providing a high level of flexibility, accessibility, reliability, and security.

Private cloud:

If user demand for dedicated Cloud infrastructure for a single organization and will be managed by them or third party then it called Private Cloud. Unlike Public cloud, Private cloud can not be shared with other organization or public.

It  can be located on-premises in a data center or hosted by a third-party service provider. In either case, the private cloud is accessible only by authorized users within the organization which is provides greater control over security, compliance, and customization compared to public clouds..

Benefits of private clouds include:

  • Enhanced security: Private cloud is accessible only by authorized users within the organization which is provides greater control over security, compliance, and customization compared to public clouds.
  • Allow Customization: As it is Private cloud which provide authority to customize their solution based on the needs of the organization in terms of flexibility, Scalability.
  • Greater control: As User have full control over the private cloud to manage infrastructure, Solution, Server, network, Storage and optimize resources according to their need and requirements without any third party intervention.

However, private clouds can also require greater upfront investment and ongoing maintenance compared to public clouds.

Hybrid cloud:

Hybrid is a type of cloud  which combines public and private cloud deployments to provide a flexible and Scalable computing environment. If user have any sensitive data or services which do not want to shared over public cloud then User can take private cloud and for Web services or Web-based application user can take Public cloud services, so it  called Hybrid Cloud services.


If any user have big organization and have multiple offices at multiple location then he can plan to take cloud services from multiple service providers .It can be mix Public and Private cloud services from different cloud providers.

The major benefits to use of multiple cloud providers is that it increased redundancy between SP, improved performance, and greater flexibility in terms of cost and resource allocation.

However, it is not so easy to manage a multi-cloud environment and it can be complex and requires proper planning and coordination and collaboration between multiple cloud providers. Also its required skilled and experts to manage multi cloud environment.


In conclusion, cloud computing has changed the way of businesses of all sizes operate by offering large range of  flexibility, scalability, reliability and cost savings as comparatively to traditional on-premises solutions.  Cloud have multiple option and flavour from public and private clouds to hybrid and multi-cloud environments, there are a multiple type of cloud computing options available to meet the business requirement.  Although here are some common misconceptions about cloud computing, but still users and organizations are attract to cloud computing and demand is raising on large scale.


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