Flex-connect in Wi-Fi Technology is allows to connect Branch office Wi-fi to Centralised WLC. If any organisation have their branch offices in multiple cities, but they have centralised Data Centre at HQ and want to control all data traffic from DC only. In some cases Client have their WLC in HQ, but access points implemented at Branch office as well and want to registered all Access points with centralised WLC ag HQ DC. Then we can configure AP as flex-Connect with Local switching. Flex-Connect also called H-REAP, but H-REAP has been replaced with Flex-connect.
We will discuss about how Flex-connect Wi-Fi network Design, Works and implemented.
Flex-connect, Flex-Connect Group, Local Switching, Central Switching in Wi-Fi
Why Flex-Connect
So, as we know that Wi-Fi is part of LAN and AP should be registered with WLC and should be in LAN network.
We are hare to understand the concept based on our experienced, because I believe that if your concept is clear then doesn’t matter which OEM or vendor WLC you are working as configuration can be OEM specific but Concept will be same. Like if you understand the concept of Drive a car then you can drive any Car, doesn’t matter which model or make it is..
Now, Let’s assume, you have multiple branch offices and one Data Centre where your WLC is implemented. Obviously we need Wi-Fi at Branch office as well. So Do we need to create same setup at each and every Branch offices. Its not possible as creating DC or server room at every Branch is not so east and its expensive too.
So, what should be the solution? There should be a solution where APs can registered with WLC, can create CAPWAP tunnel successfully, Client also able to access local network and Data from Data centre over Wi-Fi as well with security.
Along with this, if AP lost connectivity with WLC or lost Mgmt or tunnel from WLC at DC, still Branch user should be able to access local network.
This is possible with a feature or technology called– Flex connect or HREAP ( Hybrid Remote Edge Access Points).
Let’s understand this feature in details.
Flex Connect Architecture
Figure 1: Typical Wireless Branch Topology
What is Flex-Connect or HREAP
Flex Connect is a wireless solution for branch office and remote office Wi-Fi deployments with Centralised WLC in DC.
The Flex Connect solution enables the customer to:
- Centralize control and manage traffic of APs from the Data Centre.
- Distribute the client data traffic at each Branch Office.
Flex-connect Modes of Operation
Note: Please check Flex-Connect Supported Access Points Model as per Vendor specification.
Benefits of Flex-Connect Solution
- This is solution for Remote or Branch office connectivity with Centralised WLC.
- No need to implement WLC at all location
- All Branch Office Access Points will be registered with WLC via WAN connectivity.
- Remote Access Point will established CAPWAP tunnel with WLC over WAN connectivity for Control Plane or Management traffic.
- All Remote Access Points will be managed, Monitor, Configure and Troubleshoot by Centerlised WLC.
- Flex Connect Solution works on Local Switching and Central Switching.
- In Central Central all Control and Data traffic will go back WLC every time.
- In Local Switching Data Traffic will switched locally and not go back to WLC.
- In Local Switching only Management traffic will go to WLC
- If WAN link goes down or connectivity will down between WLC and Remote access Points then only Control plane will down, AP still working locally and switched to traffic locally as standalone.
- In Local Switching, if WAN link is down and AP not able to sent mgmt traffic to WLC then user will still connected with AP untill unless user will not disconnect. Once user disconnected then he can not connect with AP as AP can not send request to WLC for user authentication.
- In flex-connect it reduced implementation cost and WAN link bandwidth utilization.
Flex-Connect feature and Config steps
- Connect the Flex-connect AP to a 802.1Q trunk port on the switch.
- When connecting with Native VLAN on the AP, the native VLAN configuration on the L2 must match the configuration on the AP.
- Ensure that the native VLAN is the same across all AP in the same location / Flex-connect group
- WAN Connectivity and reachability should be properly configured.
- AP grouping
- Flex-Connect grouping
- EAP Authentication
- Flex-connect ACL
- Configure Local Switching on SSID in WLC
Let’s understand the use of these features and how to configure.
Here I am taking example of Cisco WLC.
Local Switching
- Enable Local Switching on the WLAN to provide resiliency against WAN failures and reduce the amount of data going over the WAN, thus reducing the WAN bandwidth usage.
- Local switching is useful in deployments where resources are local to the branch site and data traffic does not need to be sent back to the controller over the WAN link.
- Connect the Flex-connect AP to a 802.1Q trunk port on the switch.
- When connecting with Native VLAN on the AP, the native VLAN configuration on the L2 must match the configuration on the AP.
- Ensure that the native VLAN is the same across all AP in the same location / Flex-connect group.
Central Switching
If you want to access some services from Data centre as Centrally then we need to use Central Switching. For example, suppose you have Attendance application to fill daily attendance and this services is Centralised hosted in DC. Then you can only access this application if AP is connected with WLC over CAPWAP tunnel. If WAN link is down and AP is not connected with WLC then you will not be able to access this application.
At same time, if you have an application like Store Inventory which is hosted locally at Branch office, then if you AP is disconnected with WLC, still you can access this application with Local Switching.
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What is Flex Connect
It is Wireless solution to connect Branch/remote location access Point with Centralised WLC.
What is Flex-connect Local Switching
With Flex-connect Local Switching, AP can switch the traffic locally instead of sending data to WLC.
What is Flex-connect Central Switching
AP Send all user data to Centralised WLC.
What is CCKM/OKC Fast Roaming
IT helps to authenticate user locally during roaming.